This month was probably the biggest add to my net worth ever. The difference was about €9k. This was because I was given a bonus from my work (they paid 50% now, the rest will be paid in January), I’ve got my tax return (finally) and I was also able to save some money.
So, the 14k hit I am about to get, due to the closing costs and renovation of Rental Property #3 will go less noticed, I think. The leasing contracts on RP#1 and RP#2 are still running, without major issues (small maintenance here and there, but no biggies). Real Estate is about to grow to the next level with RP#3, in the next 2 months.
Regarding the other investments, everything is pretty much at the same point. Stocks haven’t moved, the emergency fund will hit the 1000€ within 2017. I haven’t sold my car yet, which will most likely happen during September (I really hope so!). Regarding other sources of income, I’ve been doing quite well on increasing online income. In August, I’ve made almost 100€ in 6 days.
My masterplan happening is steadily getting shape. Next year I will exclusively work from home, and although it will be though to increase my net worth significantly, I will try add another €50k to it. I will do a post on my plan for 2017.