As I said before, my number one goal this year is rebuilding my health, so it is also likely that these report posts will start off with my health goals. However, I still want to grow about 100k in my net worth, so I need to keep up with those high expectations as well.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I am a very goal-oriented guy, and so these goals should come at no surprise.
These are the goals for the first quarter of 2018:
Health (my no. one goal this year)
- Improve my health tremendously by treating my gut, my adrenals, doing physical and mental detoxes.
- Fix my gut. If you’re not aware of this, all disease begins and ends in the gut.
- Resolve my dizziness. I’ve been dealing with this for a long time now.
- Improve my energy and strength. I complain that I don’t have enough time, but I really don’t have enough energy.
- Follow my “resting plan”. That is, I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays on 2018Q1 and stop on Wednesdays and Sundays in the rest of the year (check this out here).
- Go to bed until 10:30 every single day.
- This will help me fix my circadian rhythm.
- Meditate and visualize every single day.
- Follow my routine 95% of the time.
- Be featured in a major newspaper.
- Write at least 3 guest posts.
- Write 2 posts every week without fail.
- Increase the number of views steadily.
- Be scheduled out until the end of the second quarter.
- Increase my authority beyond 50.
Company (co-owned by a partner)
- Generate about 15k through my real estate company.
- Have 150 high-quality backlinks to my companies site.
- Write about 15 guest posts and 15 blog posts.
- Have 3-5 products ready to be sold (my company will sell books, courses and what not).
- Have our primary book (on Real Estate) rock and rollin’ hard.
- On top of that, have our 6 main products (market studies) up and selling.
- Have 3 agreements for books.
- Hit 1000 likes on Facebook.
Net worth
- Sell my primary property for a profit, and buy a primary property that is better (aka more valuable) for 75% of whatever I make on my property.
- Finish my part-time job and move to a new one.
- Save 3k.
- Write another book.
- Buy at least 2 properties.
- I am truly excited about this!