My dear dudes,
I have suggested this before, but I haven’t really made a decision till now. But now, it is time to say that, in 2017, I will be talking one year off. The decision is made and I am not coming back. I feel way too tired and I feel that I need to rest, and work on personal projects that I really get a kick out of, including this blog and a few other projects.
In October/November, I will lay down an entire plan for the year, and how I expect to cover my expenses and grow my net worth further (I will try to add another €50k to my net worth). Right now, I want to tell you about a smaller challenge within this mega news: I will be reading, reviewing and commenting on 100 books in 10 months (this is 10 books a month).
If you haven’t noticed, I am already revitalizing the “Books” section, introducing new books and taking it to the next level. The section will catch god damn fire, so stay tuned for more!
If you have any suggestions that are NOT in here, shoot me a message.
Thanks for all the support (especially the messages sent from the “contact” form of the blog). I am still catching up on answering them all!