Ladies and gentleman,
I’ve been investing a lot of time into this blog, so that your experience here is the best you can possibly get. Yesterday itself, I worked on the blog the whole day. I ordered a new logo for the blog, adjusted the margins so that everything reads well, etc. This is why the blog was offline for a few times in the day.
Also, make sure you visit my net worth page: ; some people asked me repeatedly for a way to back trace my monthly reports easily, so there ya go! Also, the books page also looks much better now.
You can notice these aesthetic changes right away, but I have some news too. I will include an Article section for guests and articles from other sites on the internet, making sure that only the best among the best are selected. Essentially, I want people to be able to follow the latest developments on macro-economics in the world, so that they can take them into account when investing.
Soon, I will also start delivering the books reviews I promised, and I will also aggregate articles, thoughts and theses on Real Estate Investing. I will have some news on that too, eventually. 😉
In the meantime, follow me on Facebook: