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Daily life

Daily life,

Going mad over 20 bucks

Hi guys,

I am traveling between Germany and Portugal this week. Since I got a much cheaper flight route from central Germany (instead of northern Germany, where I usually flight from), I decided to take that route for what I needed to stay at an hotel (altogether I probably saved 200 bucks, if not more). On top of that, my employer pays for hotel stays in cases like this, so it is kinda of a win-win.

However, they don’t pay for beverages from the mini-bar. I happened to be very thirsty at some point, so I decided to go for a water bottle from the mini-bar. I knew they are usually more expensive than anywhere else, but I was thirsty and could not buy it elsewhere. When I checked out, to by biggest surprise, it cost about 5 bucks! Yes, the price was probably there all along, but I never imagined a water bottle would cost so much. This left me angry, but the story doesn’t end here.

Daily life, Planning,

A new challenge – reading 100 books in 10 months

My dear dudes,

I have suggested this before, but I haven’t really made a decision till now. But now, it is time to say that, in 2017, I will be talking one year off. The decision is made and I am not coming back. I feel way too tired and I feel that I need to rest, and work on personal projects that I really get a kick out of, including this blog and a few other projects.

In October/November, I will lay down an entire plan for the year, and how I expect to cover my expenses and grow my net worth further (I will try to add another €50k to my net worth). Right now, I want to tell you about a smaller challenge within this mega news: I will be reading, reviewing and commenting on 100 books in 10 months (this is 10 books a month).

If you haven’t noticed, I am already revitalizing the “Books” section, introducing new books and taking it to the next level. The section will catch god damn fire, so stay tuned for more!

If you have any suggestions that are NOT in here, shoot me a message.

Thanks for all the support (especially the messages sent from the “contact” form of the blog). I am still catching up on answering them all!


Daily life, Planning,

What would I do different if I could go back in time?

Hey folks,

You may know that I am an avid fan of Quora. I usually like to answer questions pertaining to Personal Finances (ranging from Real Estate to stocks), generic Life Advice, and more. I recently came across the question “What would you do different if you could go back in time?” (the question was later changed to “How do people get rich?”), in the category of Money and Personal Finance.

My answer has gotten around 70k views; I think that my vision is somewhat peculiar, and I’ve gotten positive feedback, so I thought about extending it a little bit here on my blog. So, without further due, if I’d either go bankrupt or 10 years back in time, here’s what I would do, now that I know how people get truly rich:

Daily life,

A sunny sunday


A lot of people ask me what I will do with my free time when I retire. “Early retirement?! You will feel so god damn bored!”

What these people don’t know is that one of the things I love the most in life is to grab my laptop and hit a nice caffee, drink a nice (preferably Italian) espresso and take care of my blog or crawl on high quality forums like Quora (btw, follow me here, as I tend to deliver very high quality answers when I am inspired), or simply read a nice book. I usually love to do this and watch people coming in and out the caffee, all with a nice chill out music in the background. I really love coffee and I really love to chill out. 🙂

Daily life,

Finances going up, health going sideways

Hi guys,

In terms of finances, April has been a great month so far, as opposed to March, which was a really bad month. Here’s an heads up:

  1. The tenants in Rental Property #1 stop complaining about the issues with the home and everything looks pretty much under cruise control now.
  2. I realized that the free apartment in my building will be rented out very easily. I haven’t explained that deal yet, so let me go ahead and clear this up. I bought a 3-story building, which is in fact a small building. Each story is an apartment and can be rented out individually. Two of them are already rented out for 315€ total, and I hope to get 200-300€ for the other flat, which is in fact the best one. I may extract 550€ a month, which is great that I payed about 40K for the building.
Daily life,

Why most people in the world rich never get rich?


This is a question that I’ve repeatedly seen in forums of investment and personal finances. Maybe you’ve seen it with a different format such as in “What does the average Joe lack that prevents him from getting rich?” or “Why is it that many people with high incomes never get rich, while others with small incomes make their way to the millionaire club?”. I think that at this point I understand money very well, so I will answer it.

First, note one interesting fact. Most of the people who become rich, stay rich. Plus, most rich people do not actually appear to be rich (read the book “The millionaire next door” and you’ll understand why).

Now, there are exceptions to this rule. People who got rich due to millionaire contracts (such as sport starts), often end up poor or even filing bankruptcy.